As this season is a tender time in my world, I loved this line, "writing as sustenance and salve for the tenderest parts of our being."

The interconnection of everything is what both inspires me and trips me up in writing. How to let be some connections and focus on others? How to describe a sunset just from the glow and not get lost in capturing each color with words?

It seems the craft of writing is the art of a soul focusing into a beam of momentary awareness.

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Beautifully articulated as always Renee. Writing is indeed a dance between the discrete and whole. I guess the gaps in between what is said often add to the overall beauty (and restrain) of the craft.

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I love that last line! That could be the title of a book. And I’m coming to think all the interesting writers tend to have unsettled minds. Curious isn’t it? A lot of talk this week about AI taking over writing and I think it’s just poppycock. At least for anything I really want to read!

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Cheers Karen! Haha the news on AI driven writing has really missed the central point of why we write. It feeds in to the rhetoric of mechanistic productivity rather than colourful nuance. And I absolutely agree, the unsettled mind provides a fertile ground for artistic expression.

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Great last line!

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Cheers Antonia!

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I think the mainstream media possibly , but not real writers. Until this past few years I never considered myself a writer. I was just writing poems and reflections. No, we are are storytellers begging to tell our story and we are required to craft it well so it can help others. I love the challenge of it. Thanks.

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There is so much public value and refreshing goodness to genuine storytelling which I feel is often lost in mainstream media.

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I like the descriptions of the craft of putting to pen our storytelling thoughts. The things that are important to us. But can we tell it in such a way that it becomes important to others.? Is the art of storytelling through words lost.? Emphatic no. Thanks.

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I agree Donald. And this is why art will always be (to me at least) polysemic by nature. There are multiple meanings in every expression and to an extent the reader breathes live into the narratives on a page.

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The ENDING is so powerful!! Beautiful!! 😄😄

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Thanks so much!

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They who write are never written. Thank you for written evidence of this searing truth.

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AI can only reproduce what it’s given. Regurgitate. Like mainstream media. We are storytellers that tell a story with our life’s nuances. Cheers to my fellow writers! Sorry AI you’re only good for regurgitating bites.

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Good line of thought and I like your use of various unused words. It makes you think, as it should. Good writing should not be just pablum, it should be energy giving and creative. Thoughtful. I had to look up a word I hadn’t used before. Made me learn. Kudos. Maybe our storytelling and rantings can bring more people to enjoy the art of language.

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loved this read Josh

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"...this newsletter is ultimately a product of a restless mind."

YES. I think writing is one of the ultimate releases, helping to liberate the mind... or at least to placate the mind into thinking it's being freed.

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Dec 18, 2022
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