Very insightful. Specialists are obviously necessary but I like how you've taken apart societal dependence on the expertise of specialists. This says a lot I'll be pondering for a long time: "specialisation has ultimately led to a divisive community without social responsibility."

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I think finding a niche is very useful in a business context, especially in the context of the content creation business. In the age of the internet and web 2.0, it is very easy for your offering to drown in the ocean of competition. On the other hand, when you "niche down", you play in your own little league. As Peter Thiel famously said, you don't want to be the best, you want to be the only one. (I'm not sure if it was really Peter Thiel, but he has a very similar quote)

Being a generalist topic-wise can still be very valuable if you niche down on the specifics of some other kind, like the type of service, delivery channel, etc.

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