It’s interesting once you start pulling your attention way how different the world can look, but also how you start to see the influence of daily news on people you talk with. Really appreciate this week’s essay! This is something I think about constantly.

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Thanks Antonia. That is a great point. People tend to have a specific set of reference points in making sense of reality and much of it is influenced by the news! I used to pride myself in being well-versed with all that is happening in the world, but I've now decided that these 'windows into reality' are merely interpretive lenses that are subject to aggressive manipulation from various actors.

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Yea. So accurate. Been unplugged for many years. I had too many things to do to buy into the narratives. Too depressing. Now to find out it was contrived with set talking points to be set in an echo chamber around the world. Diabolical. Thanks for well thought out word craft. Kudos.

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Completely agree. The mediatised world works in accordance to a well-choreographed drum beat. We need to discover what's beyond.

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This says some things I've been trying to say for yearrrrrrrsssss so well. THANK YOU

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Thanks for reading Kara!

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"Rather than have a loaded gun of misinformed narratives ritualistically impressed upon our permeable minds..." Banger sentence once again!

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Appreciate it Jibran! :)

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The shame of not having an opinion is so true.

As Socrates said, “All I know is that I do not know anything."

It seems that posturing wisdom and knowledge really does create chaos and suffering, both in our smaller internal world and in the greater collective world.

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